©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

Fondation emlyon business school: Creating Positive Conditions for Students to Succeed


Focus is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success; others include hard work, drive, ambition, and grit. The students at emlyon business school, ranked amongst the best in the country, share these characteristics, but not all are granted the gift of undistracted focus. Some are burdened by financial struggles or health complications that get in the way of their studies. These setbacks can discourage students from pursuing their dreams. In order to prevent students from giving up, the business school has created Fondation emlyon business school to help finance the futures of ambitious and hard-working students. The foundation’s support does not stop there. The foundation also supports its Ph.D. students. Since 1993, the foundation “has been supporting projects aimed at training informed managers, developing the entrepreneurial spirit and promoting social diversity, in an international environment.”

Providing a Pathway to a Successful Future

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In addition to housing, transportation, food, and other life expenses, students may not be able to afford tuition. Attempting to balance finances along with studies can lead to immense pressure, hindering a student’s achievements and student life. Uncertainty surrounding the affordability of expenses can discourage and demotivate students from pursuing higher education. “In spite of promising profiles, we have noticed that some students who are admissible to enter emlyon business school are experiencing social and financial vulnerability, preventing them from carrying the financial investment of their studies comfortably,” remarked Fundraising Director, Lucie Constant.

To alleviate some of the pressures that students face, Fondation emlyon offers an annual scholarship to students facing financial stress. This scholarship helps with various expenses students face throughout the school year. It can be renewed over two to four years, depending on the program duration and if financial needs persist. Students can use the living expenses scholarship freely for their daily needs. No longer burdened by the worry of basic expenses, students are free to focus their energies on their future goals. The unforeseen crises students face show the necessity of the scholarships offered. Over the past 10 years, 3,000 students called on the Foundation and were supported.

emlyon business school’s ability Initiative

The road to success is not an easy one. Having a guiding hand along the way can be incredibly encouraging and beneficial. The “Fragile Health and Handicap” program does exactly that. It provides students with disability guidance and support, by responding to specific needs. “It gives young people with potential the opportunity to obtain a high level of training and employability that matches their abilities and hopes, and the needs of companies, offering them a bright future,” mentioned Constant. “We want to help people with disabilities fully express their potential. We want them to complete their education and access the social and cultural life of students,” she continued. Constant expressed that she felt inspired to talk on this topic because of the changes the school would be making in 2024. In 2024, the new campus will be 100% accessible, especially for wheelchairs. Supported by generous donors, Fondation emlyon is able to make changes like these.

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Ph.D. Program

While there is no doubt that the emlyon business school supports its students and desires for them to be successful, that all starts with wanting them to reap the most from their high-quality education. This is possible with research from Ph.D. students. The emlyon business school has created a free international doctoral program designed to train international students to become top-notch independent researchers and professors. These Ph.D. students gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and methods skills to become excellent researchers. The students assist the emlyon Faculty in implementing courses, following up with students, and conducting research projects. “Thanks to benefactors, emlyon and the Foundation of emlyon business school fund and cover all of the tuition fees and arrival expenses over four years, through scholarships for Ph.D. students, to allow them best possible conditions and be fully dedicated to their research work,” explained Constant. “This is a key program because research is essential in delivering high-quality education and backing up the school’s position in the different international rankings and accreditations,” she concluded.

Partnering with Friends of Fondation de France

Fondation emlyon business school started with Friends of Fondation de France in May 2022. American donors can support multiple projects. They can contribute to the scholarship program to support equal opportunities, social openness, and diversity. Additionally, they can support the emergency fund aimed at providing occasional financial support to students facing crises. With each US donation supporting the emlyon Foundation, a student in need is helped. “Talking about it to your generous friends can create a chain of solidarity. We really need help and word of mouth can make a big impact. If your company does gift matching, you can activate that,” added Constant.

Generosity has no borders! If you feel compelled to give, thanks to Friends of Fondation de France, US donors who value the work of emlyon business school can support them and make tax-deductible gifts to the fullest extent of the law. 

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