©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

Fondation Mines Télécom: The Importance of Remaining Attentive to the Students


Created in 2008 and recognized as of public utility since 2012, Fondation Mines-Télécom supports IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) in its training, innovation, research and foresight missions at the heart of digital, industrial, energy and educational transformations.

Its actions make a huge difference for numerous high school students who benefit from equal opportunity programs, students on campus, research professors who benefit from support for the equipment of their classrooms, doctoral students and post-doctoral students.

Over the past 10 years, the foundation has proudly supported 1,500 students through scholarships and has created 2,000 jobs through the innovative projects hosted in its business incubators.

In a current context of higher living cost in France and after 2 years of pandemic, we met with Céline Morel, Foundation Deputy Director, Delphine Baron, Director of Alumni Engagement and Zoélie Adam-Maurizio, Director of communication and program development, to understand how these unprecedented world crises have impacted the foundation’s work.

Hard Times for Students

Since 2019, the request for scholarship assistance has increased by more than 50% and continues to rise.

In the emergency of the pandemic in 2020, during lockdowns, the foundation began to fund new forms of aid to help students facing critical situations. For example, it provided financial aid for students to be better equipped with computers to pursue their studies from home.  In other instances, when schools had the capacity to detect psychological weaknesses, the foundation supported students with psychological follow-ups.

The pandemic revealed the precariousness of students and triggered a number of associative and solidarity projects on campuses that the foundation supported as well.

Zoélie Adam-Maurizio illustrates some of the recent actions: “We supported a crowdfunding action for a solidarity grocery store on campus. In another IMT school, IMT Mines Albi, students voted to use funds to finance periodic protection dispensers to fight against menstrual insecurity.”

While IMT schools are located all over France, the foundation manages to remain close to field. Zoélie Adam-Maurizio adds: “these original and suitable initiatives have come to life thanks to tight relationships with social workers on campus.”

Heating vs Eating?

“The main worry this winter comes from the rise of energy prices in France” explains Delphine Baron.

As the foundation launched its end of year donation appeal campaign, it chose to focus on this recent development and asked its donors to help with students’ heating expenses.

Delphine points out: “It is a first. Some campuses have individual heating systems and due to skyrocketing prices, students may have to turn off the heaters, to continue to eat.”

No student should have to choose between eating or heating. To allow students to focus on their studies and stay in decent conditions, the foundation will propose financial aid to support students’ living expenses and energy costs in 2023.

A Reach Beyond Campuses

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American gifts received from alumni fund scholarships can be used for “emergency scholarships” to fund vital needs (such as food or lodging rapidly made available to students) or “mobility scholarships” to support internships or studying abroad.

Additionally, donations can fund “Scholarships for excellence”, which boosts promising and ambitious projects.

The foundation acts across the country, supporting IMT schools all over the French territory. Céline Morel wishes to add: “the reach also goes beyond campuses, to young leaders who start out in entrepreneurship and will be supported in our incubators, and to the general public, as conferences and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are also financed by the foundation.”

Helping to Transform the Future

IMT students work to lead the way and transform the future of our world. “Our mission is important,” says Delphine Baron “as IMT students are future engineers who will be able to respond to the challenges of our world, in particular the climate change, which are important for everyone.”

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Partnering With Friends of Fondation de France

All IMT schools (IMT Atlantique, IMT Nord Europe IMT Mines Albi, IMT Mines Alès, Mines Saint-Etienne, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis and Institut Mines-Télécom Business School) are classified “Grandes Écoles,” which are French institutions of higher education. These prestigious universities and high-quality research institutions share a similar international ranking and long history to  Ivy Leagues in the United States.

Overseas alumnican keep in touch with Institut Mines-Télécom through the foundation’s e-mail campaigns and newsletters.

Thanks to Friends of Fondation de France, US donors who value the work of Fondation Mines-Télécom can support them and make tax deductible gifts to the fullest extent of the law.

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