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Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

Institut Imagine: Celebrating 10 Years of Life-Changing Research & Care


Millions of children are affected by genetic diseases, impacting them and their families in devastating ways. Institut Imagine, an integrated center of research, care, and education, works to provide hope. This year, Institut Imagine celebrates its 10th anniversary since its opening in 2014. In the time since its conception, the institute has developed technologies and methods, conducted basic research, and discovered pivotal breakthroughs, all of which aim to translate to clinical research, to deliver cures and generate healing.

A Brief History

The idea for the Imagine foundation first originated in the early 2000s from Prof Claude Griscelli, but did not come into fruition until 2007 (his creation of the Imagine Foundation). In 2014, the doors of the Imagine building in Paris opened. Since then, the institute has acquired many impressive labels, some of the greatest ones being, in 2011 and 2019, the prestigious IHU (Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire) label, and in 2020, the Institut Carnot label in recognition of the quality and high number of partnerships with the private sector.

“The idea of the Foundation was to gather all scientists units involved in genetic research on our campus and share technologies to acquire greater visibility for research. But, more originally, to integrate them with the physicians and the patients themselves. We wanted to make the campus attractive in that domain,” shared Director of Institut Imagine Stanislas Lyonnet. The hope was to provide excellence in both care and research, while also investing in development and technological fundraising.


A Site of Research and Care

Imagine is located on the campus of the Necker-Enfants malades AP-HP university hospital, which is the world’s first campus dedicated to ill children. On-site, children are cared for and monitored within multiple dedicated and nation-wise expert clinical departments. The hospital not only offers specialty and supportive care consultations, but houses two clinical investigation centers (CIC) monitoring patients participating in clinical research trials. The founders shared a vision now materialized and obvious in how care is embedded throughout the hospital. Families and children who want their lives changed go to Institut Imagine knowing that the team of scientists and physicians can provide hope when associated.

The work at Imagine is not confined to its location in France, as it has collaborations worldwide. “Having prestigious laboratories as a part of the institute of genetic diseases is one of our most brilliant assets. In particular, our partnership with The Rockefeller University is immensely successful,” added Stanislas Lyonnet. Namely, Prof Jean-Laurent Casanova and Prof Laurent Abel’s laboratory in New York and at the Rockefeller University fuel research related to the reasoning behind some children and adults developing life-threatening infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, but for genetic reasons. Part of this research includes the sequencing of genomes of previously healthy children and adults with life-threatening COVID-19 in the search for genetic variants that explain an insufficient immunity to the disease.


Developing Breakthroughs

When developing Institut Imagine, the goal in mind was to have a single building to allow for communal progression, as well as to share technologies in order to accelerate the fight against genetic diseases. That way, discoveries could be developed all in one place. The following breakthroughs are some of which have been possible:

  • Developments in artificial intelligence, such as with text mining, deep learning, numerical twins, and algorithms.
  • The relation between genetics and neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • The repurposing of molecules.
  • Successful clinical trials in gene therapy, specifically related to immunity or hemoglobin disorders.
  • And, more recently, the finding that approximately 20% of individuals with severe COVID-19 pneumonia, a life-threatening prognosis, had autoantibodies against type I interferons (IFNs) or genetic defects in type I IFN-dependent immunity. These findings have revealed the crucial role of type I IFNs in protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection. The impact of this research has profound clinical implications, providing many families worldwide with the opportunity for molecular diagnosis and genetic counseling for preventive purposes, as well as treatments to restore deficient immune responses.

Partnering with Friends of Fondation de France

Celebrating 10 years since Institut Imagine’s opening means celebrating new discoveries, new recruitments, new strategies, and a continuation of the transformation of lives of children and families. Researchers and clinicians alike work diligently to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in genetic research. Goals for the future include searching for modifications of known mutations and developing new treatments. “The system is designed to change the lives of the patients. That is why, upon visiting the Institute, benefactors and philanthropists immediately understand our mission and want to be a part of it,” mentioned Lyonnet.

Institut Imagine was recently introduced to Friends of Fondation de France, the teams of Imagine and Fondation de France having known each other for a long time. Now that a partnership has been formed, they plan to implement a fundraising strategy to support growing ties with U.S. institutions. “Friends of Fondation de France is not just a tool. A real and strong partnership exists. We found a team able to accompany us efficiently in our strategy,” voiced Director of Development and International Philanthropy, Laurent Mellier. “To raise funds in the United States from France, it is essential to have such partners on site,” Mellier continued.

Gifts can help in the discovery of treatments, design of innovative programs, use of high-level technology, and to attract the best scientists. One of the programs that donors can help fund is the “Understanding the life-threatening manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection” research program, which serves to understand how the SARS-CoV-2 infection affects those with autoimmune dispositions, especially younger patients. Recently the programwas awarded a $1.5M grant from the General Atlantic Foundation, Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of General Atlantic and Gabriel Caillaux, Co-President, Head of EMEA and Managing Director.

You can donate here if you are interested in contributing to Institut Imagine.

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