©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.


Mission and Vision

Founded in 1995, the Primo Levi Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the care of victims of torture and political violence living in exile in France. Its activities are structured around 3 main missions: care, sharing knowledge and mobilizing opinion.

Actions Led

At its health center in Paris, the Primo Levi Center provides care and assistance to nearly 400 women, men and children from over 45 countries every year. These people arrive in great distress. They receive multidisciplinary care for an average of 3 years: psychological, medical, physio-therapeutic, social and legal assistance.

The Primo Levi Center has also long been committed to sharing and passing on its experience of caring for and supporting exiled victims of torture and political violence. To this end, every year it provides training to more than 700 medical and social professionals who provide assistance to exiles. It also publishes a quarterly specialized magazine, organizes a biennial symposium and intervenes in academic and other professional events.

Finally, the Primo Levi Center carries out advocacy and awareness-raising activities throughout the year, alone or as part of a network, to promote adequate care for victims of torture and to defend the right to asylum.

Projects that US Donors can Support

U.S. donors can support the multidisciplinary care tailored to the profound and complex suffering of exiles, victims of torture and political violence, through medical consultations, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, social and legal support, with the assistance of professional interpreters as needed. The ultimate aim of this project is to alleviate the physical and psychological suffering of these people, so that they can reappropriate their bodies, regain their confidence and find a place in their host society.

Learn more in our article published on October 11, 2024.