©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

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Amis du Choeur Grégorien de Paris Logo

Mission and Vision

Established in 1981, the Amis du Chœur Grégorien de Paris association is dedicated to fostering the practice and scholarly exploration of Gregorian chant, while contributing to its international recognition. More than music, Gregorian chant represents a vibrant thread in the tapestry of European cultural tradition—a form of expression and prayer intertwined with history. The Paris Gregorian Choir graces numerous liturgical ceremonies, including the weekly Mass in Paris, where the men’s choir performs at the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Chapel and the women’s choir at the Saint-Sulpice Church.

Actions Led

The Amis du Chœur Grégorien association aims to protect and promote Gregorian chant as an essential part of cultural heritage in two primary ways:

– Public performances of the Gregorian repertoire with the highest degree of musical quality in places of worship with a trained, masterful choir;

– Theoretical and practical training of Gregorian chant for teaching and developing choristers.

To ensure the cultural transmission of the Gregorian chant for generations to come, the Amis du Chœur Grégorien supports training of choir members through the School of Gregorian chant. The association also promotes of tours of the Gregorian choir abroad, including a US tour in the fall of 2024.

Projects that U.S. Donors can Support

Through Friends of Fondation de France, U.S. donors have the opportunity to support the Amis du Chœur Grégorien de Paris in:

– Organizing and promoting Gregorian chant concerts, especially concerts of Chœur Grégorien de Paris, in France or abroad—excluding countries against which the United States maintains comprehensive and targeted sanctions.

– Scholarships awarded to choral conductors, French and foreign students who come to train at École du Chœur Grégorien de Paris, which is open to all music students and young musicians in the process of becoming professional, but also amateurs wishing to discover Gregorian chant or already seeking to deepen their knowledge and practice of the chant.

Learn more about theAmis du Chœur Grégorien de Paris in our article published on October 2nd, 2024.

© Chieh-Hsun LIU 2023