©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

Bandeau libre de droit - ONB
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The Orchestre National de Bretagne missions aim to:

– Ensure a high musical quality performance to the public ;

– Ensure the cultural influence of Brittany: tours, festivals, multimedia productions;

– Promote the national and regional musical heritage;

– Develop a cultural and mediation action;

– Foster an experience of meeting amateur musical and vocal practices;

– Encourage the production of contemporary musical works.

Orchestre National de Bretagne calls on many composers each year in order to encourage musical creation. More than ten creations are presented to the public: concertos, symphonies, concerts for young audiences…

US donors can support the creation of new musical works, their performances and the educational activities related to them.