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Solidarity with the Ukrainian people: actions led by Fondation de France, April 2022 update

Emergency response to support the Ukrainian people

Find out more about the actions led by Fondation de France to support the Ukrainian people

Since February 28 and the “Solidarity with the Ukrainian people” call for donations launched by Fondation de France, nearly 13 million euros have been collected to support the populations affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Find here a description of the actions led since then.

Providing food to the refugees More than 10 million people, mainly women and children, have had to leave their homes and sometimes their country to escape the Russian offensive in Ukraine since February 24. To help them, the Fondation de France supports locally based associations in their mission to welcome refugees and displaced persons, both in neighboring countries and in Ukraine.

A committee of volunteer experts has defined the priority areas of action. They decided to focus on two priorities.  On the one hand, to respond to the basic needs and psychosocial support of the populations affected by the conflict. On the other hand: to provide more sustainable support to these populations, in terms of housing, education, legal support, psychological support, but also access to information.

Near the borders areas

Near the Ukrainian borders of Poland, Moldova and Romania, Bibliothèque sans Frontières is installing 10 Ideas Boxes. These mobile media libraries offer content and resources (in local languages) for people in exile. They include communication services (server, storage, wifi relay), technological tools (e-readers, HD camera, computers, GPS, tablets, television), visual content (documentaries, films, learning resources) and a large selection of books.

In Ukraine

– The Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) organization works with local associations in order to respond to the needs of displaced persons: access to water, food distribution, psycho-social support, money transfer, provision of electronic coupons (to make purchases in local grocery stores).

– The humanitarian aid association Solidarités International provides basic necessities (water and food) to people in transit in Lviv and Uman. 18,000 meals a month are distributed at each of the two sites.

– The Zagoriy Foundation has been working alongside organizations that provide assistance (food, housing, psychological support) to people affected by the war in Ukraine since 2015. Its objective: to coordinate the action of 10 local associations to enable them to share information on needs and build a common strategy. Priority is given to associations that accompany the most vulnerable people (Pupils of the State, the elderly, the sick, orphans and children, disabled people).

In Romania

Photos 5 – The Hope and Homes for Children Foundation (HHC) provides a home for orphaned children from Ukraine. This support will ensure that the children from the Ukrainian orphanages have the basic necessities, accommodation and transport. The HHC Foundation will also provide psychological support to refugees: children and families in psychological distress.

– The Federation of Non-Governmental Social Service Organizations (FONSS) works to provide social support to refugees in Ukraine (access to housing, health care, asylum applications, schooling for children, etc.). It strengthens the action of its 44 partner associations in their field work, particularly in transit centers, and provides basic necessities for refugees.

In Poland

– The French NGO Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) offers comprehensive support to people made vulnerable by exile, who have arrived in Poland: psychological support, access to basic services, including protection and information.

– The Domus Orientalis association, which acts in favor of migrants and victims of war, provides daily return trips to Ukraine to deliver medical aid, food and allow people fleeing conflicts to leave. It has three minibuses and four vehicles that can evacuate nearly 400 people per week. Six relay points have been set up in Ukraine to organize transit. The aid from Fondation de France will cover the cost of fuel and fleet maintenance, as well as the recruitment of two coordinators (logistics and administration).

In Moldova

– Solidarités International is present in the reception and transit centers for refugees from Ukraine. It provides water distribution, access to sanitary facilities and other hygiene services (cleaning, laundry).

– Charity Center For Refugees, committed to helping refugees in Moldavia, sets up actions to welcome women, children and elderly people fleeing Ukraine. It distributes necessities to refugees, provides support to various asylum centers (equipment supplies, legal advice, job search) as well as to associations for a better care of the people.


An international collaboration

In addition to these actions, Fondation de France is involved with several European philanthropy networks to provide joint and coordinated responses in the field. For example, the European Program on Migration (EPIM) has just activated a special fund to support associations working with refugees and displaced persons.

The actions supported by EPIM will cover medium and long term needs: such as access to stable accommodation, education, employment, social protection and health, psychological support, legal support, but also targeted aid for the most vulnerable people (including victims of human trafficking and unaccompanied minors) or aid to continue their journey.

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