©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people – read about early relief efforts supported on the ground

Solidarity with the Ukrainians

The appeal for funds launched by Fondation de France on February 28 has raised eight million euros to help the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine. This amazing outpouring of generosity is supporting immediate action on the ground for those who need it.

A much needed solidarity in the area

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Since February 24, more than 2.5 million people – mainly women and children – have had to leave their country or distance themselves from their home to escape the Russian offensive. To help them, Fondation de France supports local nonprofits whose mission is to welcome refugees and displaced people, both in neighboring countries and in Ukraine.

In accordance  with Fondation de France’s operating procedures in case of emergency, a committee of volunteer experts has been set up and priorities have been established. The first priority is to respond to immediate basic needs and to offer psychological support for the people affected by the conflict. The second consists in providing more sustainable help in terms of housing, education, legal assistance, psychological support and access to information.

Two on-site missions have already been carried out by Fondation de France teams, in Poland and Romania, to assess needs and meet charitable organizations on the front line. Several joint programs with European foundations are currently being set up, including the European Programme for Integration and Migration, as well as the Civitates fund for access to information.


Fondation de France carries out on-site missions

Three initial on-site missions have been approved by the expert committee and they have already received funding from Fondation de France:

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  • In Romania, the Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) Foundation welcomes orphans from Ukraine. This support will provide for the basic needs, housing and transport of children from Ukrainian orphanages. The HHC foundation will also offer psychological support to refugees, for children and families suffering from mental distress.
  • In Ukraine, the Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) organization works with local nonprofits. The objective is to meet the needs of displaced people: access to water, food distribution, psychological and social support, money transfers and electronic food coupons (for purchases in local grocery stores).
  • In Poland, French NGO Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) offers holistic support to people made vulnerable by exile, once they have arrived in Poland, with psychological support and access to basic services, including protection and information. Photos 7

In order to respond to the urgency of this situation, the Solidarity with Ukraine Expert Committee will meet every week and organize further missions.


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Solidarity with Mayotte: 3 Months of Support

Meeting Essential Needs Faced with the humanitarian emergency, Fondation de France continues to support local actors in providing essential aid: food assistance, access to clean