©Kwezi AFP
Solidarity with Mayotte – Cyclone Chido

On Saturday, December 14, an unprecedented cyclone struck the island of Mayotte.

Solidarity with the Ukrainians: Fondation de France takes action


2 millions people have already left Ukraine to escape the military offensive in the country. In coordination with several European foundations, Fondation de France is launching a solidarity appeal to provide emergency aid to thousands of people affected by the conflict.

For several days now, hundreds of thousands of people – including many families – have been seeking to leave Ukraine to find refuge in neighbouring countries. International aid is being organised to help them, and Fondation de France has already mobilised €300,000 to help victims of the conflict. It is launching an appeal for donations to help local associations, particularly in Poland and Romania, to welcome and support Ukrainian refugees, including with basic necessities, counselling, educational activities for children and legal aid.

Fondation de France is in contact with local and national associations in the countries affected by the crisis to determine the required response to the most pressing needs and scale up accordingly. It is also working closely with members of the European Foundation Centre, and in particular those involved in the European Programme for Integration and Migration, which was set up in 2005 and has a membership of 25 European foundations.

In accordance with its emergency response principles, Fondation de France is setting up a committee of volunteer experts to identify areas for intervention and select actions to support. It relies mainly on local actors with in-depth knowledge of the area to ensure it provides the most appropriate response possible.

More to explore
Solidarity with Mayotte
Solidarity with Mayotte: 3 Months of Support

Meeting Essential Needs Faced with the humanitarian emergency, Fondation de France continues to support local actors in providing essential aid: food assistance, access to clean