Donate to Friends of Fondation de France
Friends of Fondation de France carefully vets each charitable project before approving it. This ensures that American donors are supporting nonprofits that are effective, trustworthy and transparent. As a registered, 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States, all contributions to Friends of Fondation de France are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Individuals & Families benefit from Friends of Fondation de France’s status as a U.S. public charity and not a private foundation.
Corporations that give to Friends of Fondation de France are entitled to claim a fair market value tax deduction in an amount as high as 10% of its annual revenue. Make your contribution today!
Private Foundations that give to Friends of Fondation de France face fewer added costs and administrative hassles when giving internationally, because as a 501(C)3 U.S.-based charity, Friends of Fondation de France conducts the compliance and reporting required for international gifts. When giving to Friends of Fondation de France, private foundations do not need to perform “expenditure responsibility” under IRS Code section 4945, as would be necessary if they gave directly to a foreign charity. View our FAQs
Ways to donate to Friends of Fondation de France
Donating online is quick, easy and secure. Before making your donation, please verify that your charity of choice appears on our list of pre-approved charitable projects . Then, be sure to designate your donation to a specific program on the donation portal. If you prefer not to designate your gift and you wish to donate to Friends of Fondation de France’s general fund, we will allocate your resources where we see they are most needed. (Credit card processing fees apply)
To make a gift via wire transfer, please contact Lisa Christensen at (212) 812-4362 or via email.
Friends of Fondation de France
31 West 34th Street, 7th Floor #7010
New York, NY 10001
You can recommend grants to Friends of Fondation de France directly from your donor-advised fund (DAF) through DAF Direct. Check if your DAF sponsor participates with DAF Direct using the widget below:
If you don’t see your sponsor listed, please contact your DAF sponsor or contact us at
Gifts of stock/securities are deductible at fair market value rather than at a cost basis. They are liquated as soon as they are received. Please contact Lisa Christensen at (212) 812-4362 or to make your gift of stock/securities.
Friends of Fondation de France can accept gifts
of artworks and other objects of educational or scientific interest. Please contact Lisa Christensen at (212) 812-4362 or for further details.
For donors 70+, you can make a tax-free distribution from your traditional or Roth IRA. Donors can give up to $100,000 each year without tax penalties on your IRA withdrawal. Please contact Lisa Christensen at (212) 812-4362 or for more information.
A legacy gift is a special way for you to continue your lifetime generosity to Friends of Fondation de France. Please contact Lisa Christensen at (212) 812-4362 or for more information.